

    Effect of Combined Application of Bean Cake Fertilizer and Inorganic Fertilizer on Neutral Aroma Constituent Contents, Yield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco

    • 摘要: 田间试验条件下,以NC55品种为材料,研究了化肥与豆饼配施对烤烟中性致香成分含量、感官质量及烟叶产量与产值的影响。结果表明,烟叶中性致香成分总量、新植二烯含量均随豆饼配施比例增加先增加后降低,以配施比例为50%的处理最高。除新植二烯外的香气物质含量以豆饼配施比例为100%的处理最高,50%的处理最低;其中类胡萝卜素含量随豆饼配施比例增加而增加,苯丙氨酸类、棕色化产物类和类西柏烷类香气物质含量均以豆饼配施比例为50%与100%的处理较高。配施豆饼提高了烟叶产量和产值,分别以配施比例为50%与75%的处理最高;肥料成本随豆饼配施比例增加急剧增加,去除肥料成本后的收入以配施比例为50%的处理最高。综合考虑烟叶质量、产值,山东烤烟生产中适宜的豆饼配施比例为50%(以纯氮计)。


      Abstract: a field experiment was conducted to sudy the effect of combined application of bean cake fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer on neutral aroma constituent contents, sensory quality, yield and output value of flue-cured tobacco by using cultivar NC55. The results showed that total neutral aroma constituent content and the neophytadiene content increased first, then decreased with the increase of bean cake fertilizer application, with the treatment with 50% bean cake fertilizer had the highest contents. The treatment with 100% bean cake fertilizer had the highest content of the neutral aroma constituents except for neophytadiene, while the treatment with 50% bean cake fertilizer had the lowest. The content of aroma constituents of carotenoids increased with the increasing ratio of bean cake fertilizer. The treatments with 50% and 100% bean cake fertilizer had the higher contents of aroma constituents of phenylalanine, Maillard reaction products and cembranenoids. The combined application of bean cake fertilizer improved the yield and output value of tobacco, with the treatment with 50% bean cake fertilizer had the highest yield, and the treatment with 75% bean cake fertilizer had the highest output value. Since the cost of fertilizers increased sharply with the increasing ratio of bean cake fertilizer, the income of the treatment with 50% bean cake fertilizer was the highest after cost removal. Therefore, in the production of flue-cured tobacco, the optimal combination ratio of bean cake fertilizer is 50% (N).


