

    Effects of Long Term Fertilization on Dynamics of Soil Available Nitrogen, Growth, Yield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco

    • 摘要: 以福建三明长期定位施肥植烟土壤为材料, 研究了施用饼肥并结合稻草回田等处理对土壤有效氮变化和烟株生长、烟叶产、质量的影响。结果表明, 烟田中施用饼肥可以促进烟株吸收累积养分, 提高烟叶质量。施用饼肥结合稻草回田可以改善土壤微环境, 提高养分有效转化速度和效率, 土壤有机氮分解变化更符合烟株生长需求。本试验还表明, 土壤中氮含量变化以硝态氮含量变化为主, 铵态氮的含量较低, 且变化幅度较硝态氮小。


      Abstract: This study investigated soil available nitrogen, the growth of tobacco plants and the yield and quality of tobacco leaves under the condition of long term fertilization. The results showed that application of organic fertilizer could promote the uptake and accumulation of nutrient in tobacco plant, and improve the quality of tobacco leaves. Organic fertilizer with rice straw application could improve the soil micro-environment, the rate and efficiency of nutrient transformation, dynamics of soil inorganic nitrogen process more in line with the tobacco plant nitrogen accumulation. The results also indicated that soil nitrate changed most among soil available nitrogen, and ammonia content was low and changed little.


