Effects of N, P, K Rates on Yield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco
Graphical Abstract
The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of N, P, K rates on yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco Honghuadajinyuan and to provide a scientific basis for further extension of Honghuadajinyuan in Liangshan. An orthogonal L9(3 ) design with three N rates was employed for the field experiment. Agronomic attributes, major economical characters, yield, and quality of tobacco Honghuadajinyuan were measured. The results showed that significant difference existed between various treatments for yield, value, average price, ratio of high-quality leaf,ratio of high-middle-quality leaf. The tobacco leaves of treatment N(82.5)P(105)K(210) had superior economic characters, chemical composition, and the highest sensory evaluation value. Applying NPK at this rate could get optimum effect for Honghuadajinyuan under medium soil fertility in the tobacco region of Liangshan.