Serological Identification of Tobacco Viruses Derived from Anhui Province
Graphical Abstract
One hundred and eighty one tobacco samples with obvious virus symptoms were collected from Bozhou, Xuancheng and Wuhu of Anhui Province, 2007. The 112 samples, including 16 samples from Huangdu Xuancheng, Jinba Xuancheng, Hongyang Wuhu, Sanyuan Wuhu, respectively and 48 samples from Chendian Bozhou, were detected by Tas-ELISA and indirect ELISA methods. The results demonstrated that the positive rates of TMV, CMV and PVY of 32 samples from Xuancheng, Anhui were 91%, 3% and 50%, respectively, while those from Wuhu were 66%, 0 and 75%, respectively. It suggested that the major virus types infecting tobacco from Xuancheng and Wuhu were TMV and PVY, while CMV only occurred sporadically. The positive rates of TMV, CMV and PVY of 48 samples from Bozhou were 100%, 48% and 8%, respectively. It showed that the major virus types infecting tobacco from Xuancheng and Wuhu were TMV and CMV, and PVY infection rarely occurred.