Effects of Cultural Practices and Barn Type on Aroma Style and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco Variety K326
Graphical Abstract
The study analyzed the effect of various cultural practices and barn type on aroma style and quality of K326 basing on the indices of aroma and aroma style. Results showed that cultural practices had large effects on methyl palmitate, dihydroactinolide, isovaleric acid and benzil alcohol, with coefficients of variation exceeding 20%; moderate effects on damascone, solanone, farnesylactite, with coefficients of variation as 10%-20%; and small effects on furfural, dihydro-β-ionol, hyacinthin and megastigmatrienone, with coefficients of variation below 10%. Barn type had large effects on methyl palmitate, dihydroactinolide and benzil alcohol, with coefficients of variation exceeding 20%; moderate effects on furfural, solanone and isovaleric acid, with coefficients of variation as 10%-20%; and small effects on damascone, dihydro-β-ionol, farnesylactite, megastigmatrienone and hyacinthin, with coefficients of variation below 10%. However, both cultural practices and barn type had little effects on indices of aroma (including figure A and B) and aroma type, with coeffient of variation below 10%. It is concluded that under the climatic conditions of Qiannan, Guizhou Province, the style of aroma type and aroma of flue-cured tobacco was relatively stable and not considerably changed by cultural or curing practices.