Effects of Relative Humidity in Aging on C3F Lamina Quality of Shandong and Guizhou
Graphical Abstract
Aiming to improve the aged quality of flue-cured tobacco, the changes of physical property, appearance and chemical components in different humidity conditions (T1=52%; T2=60%; T3=68% ) were studied with C3F lamina of Shandong and Guizhou Province. The results showed that, after nine months aging, the content of equilibrium moisture and the filling power of C3F lamina increased with the increasing relative humidity. Involving the laminas of Shandong, high relative humidity was favorable for degradation of starch, pigments and polyphenol, yet unfavorable for degradation of total nitrogen and nicotine. For the laminas of Guizhou, high relative humidity was favorable for degradation of total sugar, reducing sugar and polyphenol, and reducing of pH, whereas unfavorable for degradation of nicotine, total nitrogen and pigments. In terms of appearance evaluation, T2 and T3 demonstrated the best results of C3F lamina of Shandong and Guizhou, respectively.