For the conservation and restoration of tobacco planting soil, the sustainable development of tobacco growing areas, and to determine the application rates of tobacco straw bio-organic fertilizer, a field experiment was conducted to study the effects of tobacco straw bio-organic fertilizer on tobacco soil exchangeable bases. The resulted showed that different amount of tobacco straw bio-organic fertilizer had a significant impact on tobacco soil exchangeable bases and physical properties, with 1500 kg/hm
2 tobacco straw bio-organic fertilizer having the best effect on conservation and restoration of tobacco planting soil, 3000 kg/hm
2 tobacco straw bio-organic fertilizer having the best effect on soil structure improvement. Therefore, the appropriate amount of fertilizer should be determined based on the actual soil conditions.Application of1500 kg/hm
2 tobacco straw bio-organic fertilizer is appropriate on general condition tobacco soils whileapplication of 3000 kg/hm
2 tobacco straw bio-organic fertilizer would be god for heavy clay soils.