

    Breeding of Flue-cured Tobacco Variety Yuyan13 and Its Characteristics

    • 摘要: 烤烟新品种豫烟13号是以中烟101为母本、664-01为父本杂交后,经系谱法连续选择培育而成的烤烟纯系品种,2016年4月通过全国烟草品种审定委员会审定。该品种遗传性状稳定,群体整齐一致,田间生长势强,耐旱易烘烤;抗黑胫病,中抗赤星病和根结线虫病,中感青枯病、TMV、CMV和PVY,综合抗病力优于对照品种NC89;产量、产值较高,主要经济性状优于对照品种NC89;烤后原烟颜色均匀,结构疏松,油分较足,化学成分协调,符合中式卷烟需要。该品种是一个在品质、抗性、产量等方面较能兼顾的优良新品种,适宜在我国黄淮烟区和东北部分烟区种植。


      Abstract: Yuyan13, a new variety of flue-cured tobacco developed by crossing Zhongyan101 as female parent and 664-01 as male parent through hybridization and pedigree selection. Yuyan13 passed tobacco variety evaluation of China in April, 2016. Its genetic traits were stable with uniform populations. Yuyan13 grew vigoursly in fields, was tolerant to drought and easy to cure. Yuyan13 showed resistance to black shank, medium resistance to brown spot and root knot and moderate susceptibility to bacterial wilt, TMV, CMV and PVY. General disease resistance of Yuyan13 was better than NC89. The production and output value of Yuyan13 were high and the main economic traits were superior to the control cultivar NC89. Its cured leaf was rich in oil with well-distributed orange color. The chemical composition was favorable and well proportioned to meet the requirements of manufacturing cigarettes with Chinese characteristics. In conclusion, Yuyan13 is avariety which has better quality, resistance, stable yield, wide adaptability, which is suitable for planting in the Huanghuai area and part of the northeast region of China.


