

    Breeding and Characterization of a New Flue-cured Tobacco Variety Chuanyan101

    • 摘要: 烤烟新品种川烟101(原编号A601)是以(红花大金元×RG11)F1为母本、(云烟85×K346)F1为父本杂交,以提高品种黑胫病抗性、烟叶易烤性为主要目标,经系谱法选育而成的烤烟纯系新品种。该品种田间长势强,植株塔形,叶片开片较好,适应性广,成熟特性好,易烘烤,中抗黑胫病和赤星病。综合经济性状显著优于主对照品种K326和副对照品种云烟87;综合感官质量、物理特性优于主对照品种K326和副对照品种云烟87,香型风格凸显程度较强;综合质量与主对照K326相当,优于副对照云烟87。川烟101是一个抗性、产量和品质都较好的优良烤烟纯系新品种,适合在西南烟区、东南烟区推广种植。


      Abstract: The new flue-cured tobacco variety Chuanyan101 (A601) was developed through pedigree selection by crossing F1 (Hongda × RG11) as female parent and F1 (Yunyan85 × K346) as male parent, with the purpose of improved resistance to black shank disease and easy curing potential. Chuanyan101 demonstrated strong growth in the field, had tower plant-type with leaves opening well, wide adaptability, desirable maturity features and was easy to cure. Chuanyan101 performed medium resistance to black shank disease and brown spot disease, its comprehensive resistance is better than K326. Compared with K326 and Yunyan87, its comprehensive economic characters exhibited significantly higher, the leaf appearance quality and physical property performed better. Chuanyan101 was characterized by regional style, clear fragrance style and outstanding fragrance in southwest tobacco areas, and its comprehensive quality was equivalent to K326 yet superior to Yunyan 87. In summary, Chuanyan101 features higher disease resistance, yields and quality, strong adaptability, and can be planted in Southwest or Southeast tobacco regions of China.


