

    Breeding and Characteristics of a New Flue-cured Tobacco Variety Guiyan21

    • 摘要: 烤烟新品种贵烟21是围绕优质易烤、抗黑胫病、提高上部叶开片等主要选育目标,以MSNC82为母本、福烟3号为父本选育出的雄性不育杂交种,2024年通过全国烟草品种审定委员会审定。该品种田间长势强,上部叶开片好,含梗率低,易烘烤,抗黑胫病,其外观品质、化学成分及物理特性与K326相当,主要经济性状和感官品质优于K326和云烟87。贵烟21适宜在西南烟区种植,是一个能兼顾工业可用性和烟农生产效益的优良新品种。


      Abstract: The new flue-cured tobacco variety Guiyan21 is a male sterile hybrid variety developed with MSNC82 as the female parent and Fuyan3 as the male parent, with the aim of improving leaf quality, curing property, resistance to black shank disease, and the size of upper leaves. The variety was approved by the National Tobacco Variety Approval Committee in 2024. The variety tests conducted on Guiyan21 showed that it exhibited strong growth potential in the field, larger size of upper leaves, lower stem content ratio, easy curing, and resistance to black shank disease. Its appearance quality, chemical composition, and physical properties were similar with those of K326. With superior main economic traits and sensory quality to K326 and Yunyan 87. Guiyan 21 is suitable for planting in the southwestern tobacco growing area and is an excellent new variety that can balance industrial availability and tobacco farmers’ production benefits.


