

    SSR Fingerprint Map Analysis of Tobacco Germplasms

    • 摘要: 利用SSR标记构建了烟草核心种质中80份普通烟草种质的指纹图谱。从286对SSR引物中筛选出8对多态性较好的引物,对这些烟草种质进行分析,共检测到 85个多态性位点。研究表明,这8对多态性SSR引物可以将80份烟草种质完全区分开,每份种质都有各自独特的指纹图谱,表明SSR标记完全适用于普通烟草种质鉴定和指纹图谱构建工作。


      Abstract: DNA fingerprint maps of 80 tobacco germplasms were constructed by SSR molecular maker. 8 pairs of primers were selected from 286 pairs and a total of 85 polymorphic SSR bands were detected. The 80 tobacco germplasm could be absolutely identified by these 8 pairs of SSR primer, every tobacco germplasm had a unique fingerprint map, which demonstrates that SSR fingerprint map is suitable for tobacco cultivar identification.


