

    On Aroma Type of Flue-cured Tobacco

    • 摘要: 提出了烟叶香型是“对燃吸烟叶烟气整体香气特征所划分的类别”的概念。根据前人的资料,对我国烤烟清香型、浓香型、中间香型的香韵进行了分析,并概括为烤烟香型构成的“二韵论”。对“二韵论”、香型的命名、香型的标准和标样、中间香型等存在的问题以及改进意见进行了探讨。


      Abstract: The concept of tobacco aroma type is proposed, that is: the aroma type is the classifications of overall aroma characteristics from smoking tobacco leaves. With reference to previous studies, the composition of aroma type of flue-cured tobacco was summarized as Two Notes Theory based on the note analysis of clean aroma type, full-bodied type and moderate type used in China. Then, the problems existed in Two Notes Theory, nomenclature of aroma type, standard of aroma type and standard sample, and moderate aroma type are discussed, suggestions for improvement is also presented.


