

    Breeding and Evaluation of a New Flue-cured Tobacco Variety Yuyan7 and its Characteristics

    • 摘要: 豫烟7号(Y017)是选用MSKY2作母本、66401为父本育成的杂交一代烤烟新品种,2010年11月通过全国烟草品种审定委员会审定。该品种植株结构合理,田间生长势强,整齐一致;抗黑胫病,中抗青枯病和赤星病,耐PVY,中感TMV和根结线虫病,耐旱耐寒性强;主要经济性状优于对照NC89;外观质量总体优于对照品种NC89;烤后烟叶叶片厚度均匀,主要化学成分协调,特别是钾含量高;香气质较好,香气量足,感官评吸质量好,具有较高的工业利用价值。豫烟7号是一个产量、质量、抗病性较能兼顾的具有浓香型特色的烤烟新品种。


      Abstract: Yuyan7(Y017), a new flue-cured tobacco variety of F1 generation was developed from the cross between MSKY2 (female parent) and 66401 (male parent), passed the evaluation of National Tobacco Variety Evaluation Committee in November, 2010. The genetic traits of Yuyan7 were stable and the plants grew uniformly and strongly in field. Yuyan7 was resistant to black shank, moderately resistant to bacterial wilt and brown spot, resistant to PVY, moderately susceptible to TMV and root knot nematode. It had strong tolerance to drought and cold. Its main economic characters were better than the control variety NC89. Yuyan7 demonstrated better appearance quality than NC89. Yuyan7 demonstrated favorable chemical components in harmonious proportion, with higher content of potassium. The blade thickness was uniform, the leaf tobacco of Yuyan7 had better fragrance and fragrant quantity in full, with better sensory quality, has the good value in industry.Yuyan7 was good in yield, quality and disease resistance, and had the rich fragrance characteristic flue-cured tobacco variety.


