

    Effects of Attenuated UV-B Radiation Supply on Photosynthetic Characters of Flue-cured Tobacco

    • 摘要: 以烤烟品种K326为试验材料,通过覆盖不同厚度透明薄膜滤减UV-B辐射,研究了透过率分别为100%(CK)、75%(A)、50%(B)、35%(C)不同强度UV-B辐射处理下,K326成熟初期的光响应曲线参数与不同UV-B辐射强度的关系。结果表明,烤烟K326的净光合速率(Pn)、水分利用效率(WUE)及光能利用效率(LUE)与UV-B辐射透过率密切相关。当UV-B辐射透过率处于35%~75%时,Pn、WUE及LUE均维持在较高水平。认为在通海县海拔高度下,此透过率范围是K326处于成熟初期对UV-B辐射强度变化较为理想的响应区间,此时较适宜的PPFD维持在800~1 600 µmol/(m2•s)之间。


      Abstract: By the method of covering with different thickness plastic films to attenuate UV-B radiation, this study investigated the light-response parameters of tobacco cultivar K326 at its early maturity stage when the UV-B transmittance was 100%(CK), 75%(A), 50%(B), 35%(C). The results showed that the net photosynthetic rates(Pn), water use efficiency(WUE) and light use efficiency(LUE) were closely related to UV-B transmittance. When UV-B transmittance varied 35% and 75%, the Pn, WUE and LUE to maintain high states, and we regarded this range of transmittance related to the elevation of Tonghai County was a relative ideal responsive interval of K326. Meanwhile, relative proper PPFD were between 800 µmol/(m2.s) and 1 600 µmol/(m2.s).


