The major cuticular components from green leaves of three plant positions from four flue-cured tobacco varieties grown in Guizhou were analyzed after extracted with methylene chloride. The result showed that the major cuticular components of green leaves were nicotine, ketones, terpenes and hydrocarbons. Among which, nicotine was the highest and ketones were the least. Terpenes were the main cuticular components from green tobacco leaves, majority of them were cembrenoids, including cembrenoid, cembratriene-ol and cembratriene-diol. There was more cembratriene-diol than cembratriene-ol, as was more β-cembratriene-diol than α-cembratriene-diol. There were good amount of hydrocarbons; most of them were triacontanic high hydrocarbons. There was considerable difference of major cuticular components among varieties. From low to high, four varieties ranked as Nanjiang 3 to K326 to Guiyan 201 to Yunyan 85.