

    Effect of Zero Tillage Cultivation on Yield and Quality of Tobacco Leaves

    • 摘要: 为了探讨烤烟省工栽培方法,在水稻土和黄壤2种土壤上进行了2年的田间定位免耕试验。结果表明,烤烟免耕栽培第1年对烟株生长发育及烟叶产量、产值等经济性状没有显著影响,免耕栽培能改善烟叶化学成分的协调性和烟叶的感官评吸质量,且以免耕并覆盖秸秆效果较好。由于免耕省去了土壤翻耕、整理和起垄过程,因此省工降本效果明显。


      Abstract: A zero tillage experiment of flue-cured tobacco was carried out on the paddy soil and yellow soil from 2008 to 2009 in order to investigate the cultivation method of saving labor. The results showed that zero tillage had no significant effects on the growth of tobacco plant and the economic indices of cured leaves. In addition, zero tillage and zero tillage with straw mulch were able to improve the chemical components and the quality of sensory evaluation of cured leaves. In conclusion, zero tillage of flue-cured tobacco saved labor and cost obviously because of avoiding ploughing and ridging.


