

    Preliminary Report on Physiological Race of Phytophthora parasitica in Hubei

    • 摘要: 在湖北省襄樊、恩施等主要烟区采集烟草黑胫病病株样本111个,分离纯化出30个烟草黑胫病菌株。采用游动孢子悬浮液注射接种鉴别寄主和TTZ(2,3,5-氯化三苯基四氮唑)颜色反应两种方法鉴定其生理小种类型。结果表明,供试的30个菌株在TTZ培养基中的反应皆为红色,有24个菌株在鉴别寄主反应中对L8和NC1071有较强致病力,而对N. nesophila无致病力,应为1号生理小种,占供试菌系的80%,为湖北省优势生理小种;其他6个菌株中有4个菌株对NC1071有较强致病力,但对L8致病力较弱,有1个菌株对L8和NC1071致病力较弱;1个菌株对NC1071致病力较弱,但对L8有较强致病力;6个菌株对N. nesophila无致病力,是否为2号生理小种还是其他致病型,尚待进一步研究确定。


      Abstract: The physiological races of 30 Phytophthora parasitica var. nicotianae strains were isolated from 111 samples in Xiangfan, Enshi and other major tobacco area of Hubei, and identified by zoospore suspension inoculation and TTZ (2,3,5-tripheny ltetrazolium chloride) color reaction. The results showed that all these 30 strains were presented red reaction in TTZ medium. And according to the reaction on the differential host, 24 strains belonged to physiological race 1 and were the Dominant race, which take up 80 percent in all strains. The other 6 stains showed different pathogenicity to L8 and NC1071: 1 strain was resisted by L8 and NC1071; 1 strain had high pathogenicity to NC1071 and was middle resisted by L8; 1 strain had high pathogenicity to L8 and middle resisted by NC1071; 3 strains had middle high pathogenicity to NC1071 and were middle resisted by L8, which needs further study to make sure their races.


