

    Correlation and Path Analysis between Moderate Aroma Characteristic and Main Chemical Components

    • 摘要: 为了解中间香型烟叶特色彰显度与烟叶主要化学成分的关系,对国内不同中间香型产区烟叶主要化学成分及派生值与中间香型特色彰显度进行了简单相关和通径分析.结果表明,烟碱和钾氯比与中间香型特色彰显度呈极显著或显著正相关;两糖比、蛋白质、氮碱比、氯、总氮和糖碱比与中间香型特色彰显度呈极显著或显著负相关.通径分析表明,烟碱、总氮、氯、蛋白质和糖碱比直接影响中间香型特色彰显度,两糖比主要间接影响中间香型特色彰显度,氮碱比和钾氯比对中间香型特色彰显度的影响间接效应大于直接效应.


      Abstract: In order to analyze the effects of main chemical component contents on the moderate aroma characteristic of flue-cured tobacco leaves, the correlation and path analysis were carried out by using different tobacco leaves from different producing areas. Correlation analysis results showed that the moderate aroma characteristic had significantly or highly significantly positive correlation with nicotine and K/Cl, and negative correlation with the ratio of reducing sugar to total sugar, the ratio of total nitrogen to nicotine, the ratio of reducing sugar to nicotine, protein and Cl. Path analysis results showed that the moderate aroma characteristic was affected directly by nicotine, total nitrogen, Cl, protein and the ratio of reducing sugar to nicotine, and affected indirectly by the ratio of reducing sugar to total sugar. However, the ratio of total nitrogen to nicotine and K/Cl were with more indirect effects than direct effects on the moderate aroma characteristic.


