Relationships between Main Climatic Factors and Chemical Components of Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves in Enshi
摘要: 对恩施烟区主要气候因子和中部烟叶化学成分状况以及之间的关系进行了分析.结果表明,恩施烟区烤烟中部叶还原糖和总糖含量均值分别为27.56%和33.57%,氯的含量相对较低,平均含量仅为0.15%,其余常规化学成分均在适宜范围内,且还原糖、总糖、总植物碱、总氮、钾含量数据比较对称,接近正态分布;大田期平均温度基本处于烟草生长发育适宜范围内,年度间降雨量变化范围较大,日照充足,变异系数大小为降雨量>日照时数>平均温度、积温;气候因子与烟叶化学成分有显著的相关性,在一定范围内,降雨量、日照时数和积温的增加有利于烟叶中总糖的积累,但不利于含氮化合物的积累;在一定范围内,降雨量的增多会增加烟叶中氯的含量;日照时数对烟叶化学成分的影响程度最大,降雨量次之,平均温度和积温最弱.Abstract: The relationships between major climatic factors and chemical components of the middle tobacco leaves in Enshi tobacco area were investigated. The results showed that the average contents of reducing sugar and total sugar was 27.56% and 33.57%. The content of chlorine was relatively low, only 0.15%. The rest of chemical component contents were appropriate to high quality cigarette production. The contents of reducing sugar, total sugar, total alkaloids, total nitrogen and potassium were symmetrical, closed to normal distribution. The average temperature was basically in the suitable range during field growth period, the variation of annual rainfall was large and the hours of sunshine was adequate, the coefficient of variation was rainfall > hours of sunshine > average temperature. The correlations between main climatic factors and chemical components were significant. In a certain range, the increase of rainfall, hours of sunshine and accumulated temperature were favorable to the accumulation of total sugar, yet unfavorable to the accumulation of nitrogen compounds, in a certain range the increase of rainfall raised the content of chlorine; the influence degree of main climatic factors on the chemical components, the hours of sunshine was the largest, the second was rainfall, the average temperature and accumulated temperature were the weakest.