Quality and Distribution Characteristics of Different Flavor Types of Enshi Tobacco
摘要: 以恩施烟区主栽品种云烟87中部烟叶为材料,对不同香型烟叶区域分布特点及品质特征进行了比较分析.结果表明,不同香型烟叶在不同海拔层次上的分布存在差异,浓偏中和中偏浓香型在各海拔层次均有分布,浓透清主要分布在高于800 m海拔范围;各香型烟叶总糖、还原糖含量均较高,氯含量较低,化学成分协调性尚需改善,但感官质量均较好,以浓透清香型最优.Abstract: The characteristics of regional distribution and quality of different flavor types from Enshi (Yunyan 87, C3F) were analyzed. The results showed that the distribution at different altitude was different among three flavor types. The tobacco leaves had intense-to-intermediary and intermediary-to-intense fragrance in all altitudes, but the intense with delicate character only existed under 800 m. The total sugar and reducing sugar from different flavor types were higher than normal, but the chlorine content of tobacco leaves was lower than normal. The harmony of chemical composition still needed to be improved. The sensory quality of different flavor types were fine, especially the intense with delicate character.