

    Breeding and Characteristics of a New Flue-cured Tobacco Variety Yunyan97

    • 摘要: 云烟97系用云烟85作母本、CV87为父本选育而成的烤烟新品种.该品种田间生长整齐一致,株式塔形,平均打顶株高115.3 cm,采收叶数19.8片,大田生育期120~127 d.叶形长椭圆,主脉粗细中等.各项经济性状指标优于对照K326.该品种抗黑胫病,中抗根结线虫病,对叶斑类病害的抗性优于对照K326和云烟85.烤后原烟外观质量较好,内在化学成分比例协调.该品种适宜我国南方主产烟区种植.


      Abstract: Yunyan 97, developed by pedigree selection method, was a new flue-cured tobacco variety produced by pollinating a female parent Yunyan 85 with pollen from CV87. Yunyan97 had uniform growth with a tower shape. Its average height was about 115.3 cm with 19.8 leaves after topping. Field growth period was 120-l27d. The economic value of Yunyan97 was superior to that of K326. Yunyan97 was resistance to black shank and moderate resistance to root-knot nematode. Its resistance to leaf spot diseases was better than K326 and Yunyan85. Yunyan97 had a better cured leaf quality with well balanced chemical composition. Yunyan 97 was adapted to the major flue-cured tobacco leaf production areas in Southern China.


