

    Study on the Active Carbon for Absorbing Amino Acids in Static State from Tobacco Waste Hydrolysates

    • 摘要: 为提高烟草综合利用率,以生产烟碱及茄尼醇后的烟叶废渣为原料,通过酸水解生产氨基酸,以不同酸碱溶液对活性炭进行改性,以改性后的活性炭为脱色剂对氨基酸水解液进行脱色.研究活性炭脱色处理中活性炭处理方式、pH、活性炭用量、脱色温度、脱色时间等因素对各种氨基酸收率和脱色率的影响.结果表明,最佳的脱色工艺为:0.25 % KOH处理活性炭、pH=10、活性炭用量为2.5 %、脱色温度20 ℃、脱色20 min,所得产物氨基酸收率79.14 %,脱色率达83.89 %.改性后的活性炭显著提高了Tyr、His、Lys、Ile和Leu这5种氨基酸的收率.


      Abstract: In order to enhance utilization efficiency of tobacco, the amino acid was produced by HCl hydrolysis from tobacco waste, and the amino acids solution was decolored by activated carbon. The absorption capacity of 16 amino acids and the decoloration of tobacco waste hydrolysates by different activated carbon modified were investigated. The results showed that the optimum technology was as follow: the quantity of active carbon (with 0.25% KOH) 2.5 %, temperature 20 ℃, pH 10.0, time 20 min. The yield of amino acids was 79.14 %, the decolorizing rate was 83.89% and the yield of total amino acids, Tyr, His, Lys, Ile and Leu had been improved greatly.


