

    Comprehensive Evaluation of Main Physical Indices of Flue-cured Tobacco Based on Principal Component and Cluster Analysis

    • 摘要: 为了更准确地评价湖北烤烟物理质量,选取湖北省13个产烟县的107份烤烟烟叶,对烟叶的抗张力、抗张强度、断裂伸长量、叶质重和厚度5个物理指标进行了描述统计和相关分析,采用主成分分析法建立综合得分数学模型,对综合得分进一步做系统聚类.结果表明,不同物理指标部位间呈现不尽相同的差异性;除断裂伸长量和厚度外,物理指标彼此间呈显著或极显著正相关;按综合得分将107份样品聚为5类,其品质和综合得分分别为:最好,0.99~1.62;较好,0.30~0.80;中等,-0.11~0.24;稍差,-0.89~-0.21;差,-1.09~-0.97.此结果对烤烟物理质量评价及工业原料选取有较大指导意义.


      Abstract: 107 of flue-cured tobacco from 13 tobacco-growing counties were selected to analyze in order to evaluate the physical quality of flue-cured tobacco more accurately in Hubei province. Five physical indices, including leaf tension stress, tensile strength, breaking elongation, leaf weight and thickness, were analyzed by descriptive statistics and correlation analysis, and principal component analysis was employed to build a composite score mathematical model, then the composite score was further analyzed by hierarchical cluster. The results showed that different positions of physical indices presented different otherness, and the physical indices had significant or highly significant positive correlation among each other, in addition to the breaking elongation and thickness. The 107 of samples were assembled into 5 classes according to their composite scores, whose quality and score were as follows: the best, 0.99~1.62; second to the best, 0.30~0.80; moderate, -0.11~0.24; poor, -0.89~-0.21; and very poor, -1.09~-0.97. The results had significance on the assessment of physical quality of flue-cured tobacco and industrial application of tobacco materials.


