

    Advance in Water Requirement of Tobacco

    • 摘要: 烟草生长与水分关系以及灌溉调控技术是目前烟草需水方面的研究重点,为烟草生产灌溉提供了重要的理论基础.从烟草需水研究方法、影响因素、不同生育期需水动态规律等方面综述了国内外烟草需水规律研究进展,并展望了今后一定时期的研究方向,指出应探索新研究方法,进行不同生态类型大田实际情况下烟草需水规律研究,提高我国烟叶的产量和质量.


      Abstract: Tobacco-water relationship and the irrigation regulation are the research hot spot on tobacco water requirement as the theory basis for tobacco production and reasonable irrigation. This study summarized advance in tobacco-water relationship, including main theories and methods for estimating water requirement, influencing factors, water requirement characters in different growth stages, and water stress in tobacco. Finally, future research for tobacco-water relationship was proposed. More research at different ecotype under field condition should be made on the water requirement characters in tobacco, and new methods should be introduced to this area for increasing tobacco yield and quality.


