

    Correlation Analysis between Chemical Components and Physical Properties in Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves

    • 摘要: 以烤烟品种云烟85、云烟87、南江3号、晚花K326为供试材料,采用简单相关分析和典型相关分析方法研究了烤后原烟物理性状与化学成分之间的关系.结果表明,叶片厚度与总氮含量(相关系数为0.936)呈极显著正相关;叶片厚度与烟碱含量(0.674),填充值与总糖含量(0.645)、钾含量(0.690),单叶重与烟碱含量(0.666)、总氮含量(0.684)均呈显著正相关;含梗率与烟碱含量(-0.687)呈显著负相关.在一定范围内,随着叶片厚度的增加和填充值的降低,总糖、还原糖和钾含量呈降低趋势,总氮含量呈升高趋势.


      Abstract: The relationship among physical properties and chemical components of 12 samples with different leaf positions from four flue-cured tobacco varieties (Yunyan85, Yunyan87, Nanjiang3 and K326) was analyzed by using correlation analysis and canonical correlation analysis. The results indicated that there was a significant positive correlation between leaf thickness and total nitrogen content, the correlation coefficient being 0.936 (P<0.01); leaf thickness and nicotine content, the correlation coefficient being 0.674 (P<0.05); filling power and total sugar content, K content, the correlation coefficient being 0.645 and 0.690 (P<0.05); weight per leaf and nicotine content, total nitrogen content, the correlation coefficient being 0.666 and 0.684 (P<0.05); but a significant negative correlation between protein content of vein and nicotine content, the correlation coefficient being-0.687 (P<0.05). The leaf thickness increased but filling power decreased with the increase of total nitrogen content and with the decrease of K content, total and reducing sugar contents.


