Effects of Continuous Cropping on Growth and Photosynthetic Characteristics in Leaves of Flue-cured Tobacco in Northeast of China
摘要: 为探明烤烟连作对叶片光合特性的影响,以连作1年和连作5年的烤烟为研究对象,研究了连作条件下烤烟生长、叶片叶绿素含量和光合特性的变化特点.结果表明,连作降低了烤烟叶绿素含量和光合能力,减缓了烟株生长,降低了烤烟产量.连作1年烟田对烤烟的生长和光合影响不大,而连作5年显著降低了烤烟叶片的叶绿素含量,主要是叶绿素a含量,限制了烤烟叶片对光能的捕获、传递和利用.连作5年降低了烤烟叶片的净光合速率、蒸腾速率和气孔导度,但胞间CO2浓度却没有明显的降低,并且连作5年使烤烟叶片的表观量子效率、光饱和点、光饱和时最大光合速率、羧化效率、CO2饱和点和CO2饱和时最大光合速率均有不同程度的降低,而光补偿点和CO2补偿点却显著增加.这说明连作不但降低了烤烟叶片光能利用效率,也限制了对CO2的同化能力,引起烤烟叶片光合降低是由于气孔因素和非气孔因素共同作用的结果.因此,较长年限的连作降低了烤烟叶片的光化学能力和碳同化能力,限制了烤烟光合生产力,造成连作减产.Abstract: In this paper, photosynthetic characteristics in leaves of flue-cured tobacco grown in the field of continuous cropping for one year and five year were investigated by measuring plant growth, chlorophyll content and photosynthesis. The results showed that continuous cropping decreased chlorophyll content and photosynthesis capacity, and reduced the tobacco growth and leaf yield. Although little influence on tobacco growth and photosynthesis capacity was observed in the field with one year continuous cropping, Chlorophyll content in leaves of flue-cured tobacco grown under 5-year continuous cropping reduced significantly, especially, chlorophyll A content, which restricted light capture, energy conversion and utilization in leaves of tobacco. The net photosynthetic rates, transpiration rate and stomatal conductance of tobacco leaves under 5-years continuous cropping decreased, but, intercellular carbon dioxide concentration changed little. The apparent quantum yield, light saturation point, photosynthetic rate saturated light, carbolyation efficiency, carbon dioxide saturation point and photosynthetic rate at saturated carbon dioxide in leaves of tobacco grown under continuous copping decreased, and carbon dioxide compensation point and light compensation points increased significantly under 5-years continuous cropping. It indicated that light use efficiency in leaves of tobacco grown in continuous cropping field was not only decreased significantly but also CO2 assimilation, and photosynthesis decrease under 5-years continuous cropping was caused by stomatal factors and nonstomatal factors. It suggested that the decreases of photochemical and assimilation capacity in leaves of tobacco grown in continuous cropping field limited photosynthetic production to reduced leaf yield of tobacco.