Application of Tianda-2116 to Flue-cured Tobacco
摘要: 为明确新型植物生长调节剂天达-2116在烟草上的应用效果,以晚花K326为供试材料,研究了天达-2116对烤烟农艺性状、经济性状、抗病性、产量及主要化学成分的影响.结果表明,喷施天达-2116能够增强烟株长势,改善烟叶农艺性状和经济性状,增加产量,提高烟株抗病性.其中喷施500倍液天达-2116,烟叶化学成分较为谐调,烟叶经济性状表现较好,产量比对照提高243.1 kg/hm2,产值比对照增加3719.7元/hm2,差异均达显著水平,上中等烟率比对照提高7%.因此,喷施天达-2116可提高烤烟产量和质量.Abstract: To clarify the application effect of plant growth regulator Tianda-2116 in tobacco production, the late flower tobacco variety K326 was used as test material to investigate the effects of Tianda-2116 on agronomic and economic traits, disease resistance, yield and main chemical compositions of flue-cured tobacco under field condition through random block design. The results showed that spraying Tianda-2116 improved tobacco growth, agronomic and economic traits of tobacco leaves, increased tobacco leaf yield, and improved disease resistance. When Tianda-2116 was applied at 500 times solution using a knapsack sprayer, the leaves had more unisonous chemical compositions and better economic traits. The yield and production value of tobacco leaves increased 243.1 kg/ha and 3719.7 yuan/ha as compared with CK, respectively. Differences were statistically significant between treatment and CK. The proportion of upper and middle tobacco leaves was 7% more than those of CK. These results indicated that spraying Tianda-2116 could increase yield and quality of tobacco leaves.