Medium Optimization of Antagonistic Bacteria A3 Strain Against TMV
摘要: 利用单因素试验结合正交试验的方法,以菌体生长量(OD600值)作为测定指标,对TMV拮抗细菌恶臭假单胞杆菌A3的培养基进行优化,系统研究了碳源、氮源、无机盐的发酵结果.试验结果表明,碳源为麦麸,氮源为酵母浸粉,无机盐为CaCl2、CoCl2、MgSO4、FeSO4、KH2PO4时有利于A3的生长.7因素3水平正交试验结果表明,培养基的最优组合为麦麸15 g,酵母浸粉15 g,CaCl2 2.5 g,CoCl2 0.5 g,MgSO4 0.8 g,FeSO4 0.5 g,KH2PO4 0.8 g,蒸馏水1000 mL,pH 7.0,在此条件下拮抗细菌活菌数可达3.234×1012 cfu/mL,比NB培养基中活菌数提高一个数量级.Abstract: The experiments with one factor and orthogonal design were conducted to optimize medium of antagonistic bacteria A3 strain against TMV (Pseudomonas putida) with mass growth (OD600 value) as the index. A systematic study of carbon sources, nitrogen sources and inorganic chemicals was carried out. Carbon source “wheat bran”, nitrogen source “yeast extract powder” and inorganic chemical “CaCl2, CoCl2, MgSO4, FeSO4, KH2PO4”, were beneficial to the growth of A3. The results of L18(37) orthogonal tests showed that optimal medium menu included 15g wheat bran,15g yeast extract powder, 2.5g CaCl2, 0.5g CoCl2, 0.8g MgSO4, 0.5g FeSO4, 0.8g KH2PO4 and 1000mL distilled water, pH 7.0. The number of live bacteria could be 3.234×1012 cfu/mL in the optimized medium and the number increased by one orders of magnitude than original NB medium.