

    Floating Pool Water Inoculation Method for Tobacco Resistance Identification to Bacterial Wilt

    • 摘要: 通过建造加热保温漂浮池和池水接种,建立了烟草青枯病抗性的苗期鉴定方法,并评价了该方法的应用效果.结果表明,7个抗性已知的烟草品种通过漂浮池恒温水培接种法鉴定的结果与抗感品种本身的抗病性程度相吻合.漂浮池恒温水培接种抗性鉴定方法具有发病迅速、占地面积小、减少土传病害干扰、重复性高等优点.


      Abstract: Floating pool system for screening bacterial wilt resistance of tobacco seedlings was developed by building temperature controlled water heating float pool and inoculating with pool water in greenhouse. The resistance result of seven known tobacco varieties evaluated by floating pool water inoculation method was consistent with the varieties inherent resistance levels. The advantages of floating pool temperature controlled water inoculation method are rapid disease development, small space needed, less soil-borne disease disturbance, and high result repetition.


