

    Distribution Characteristics of Lutein and β-carotene in Different Leaf Positions of Flue-cured Tobacco

    • 摘要: 为了进一步探讨烟叶不同区位品质特色形成的化学成分物质基础,以K326、云烟87和红大的B2F、C3F和X2F烟叶为研究对象,采用成分相近与最明显拐点相结合的方法,将同片烟叶划分为叶基、叶中和叶尖3个区位,研究了这3个区位叶黄素和β-胡萝卜素含量分布特征.结果表明,同片烟叶不同区位叶黄素和β-胡萝卜素含量分布特征因品种及其部位不同而有所差异.(1)红大中上部:叶中>叶基>叶尖,下部:叶尖>叶中>叶基;(2)K326上下部:叶尖>叶中>叶基,中部:叶中>叶尖>叶基;(3)云烟87上中部:叶中>叶尖>叶基,下部:叶中>叶基>叶尖.此进一步揭示了烟叶不同区位品质特色形成的原因,为科学合理地制定烟叶不同区位的分切、加工方案及应用提供了依据.


      Abstract: In order to further explore the chemical component basis of quality characteristics of different position in flue-cured tobacco leaves, the different positions of B2F, C3F and X2F of K326, Yunyan87 and Hongda were divided into leaf tips, middle and base by method of close composition and the biggest bending degree, their distribution characteristics of their lutein and β-carotene were investigated. The results showed that their distribution characteristics were different among varieties and parts. (1) Hongda upper and Cutters: leaf middle>leaf base>l leaf tip, lower: leaf tip>l leaf middle>l leaf base. (2) K326 upper and lower: leaf tip>l leaf base>l leaf middle, Cutters: leaf middle>l leaf tip>l leaf base. (3) Yunyan 87 upper and Cutters: leaf middle>l leaf tip>l leaf base, Lower: leaf middle>l leaf base>l leaf tip. These results provide the basis for slitting, processing and application of the different positions in flue-cured tobacco. These results further explain the reason of different quality characteristics of leaf tips, middle and base and will provide basis for scientifically and rationally making project of cutting, processing and applying these sections.


