

    Some Issues on Sustainable Development in Longyan Tobacco Planting Area

    • 摘要: 烟叶是行业发展的基础,其可持续发展事关行业发展大局.笔者从大农业可持续发展的概念及三大目标出发,结合龙岩烟叶生产实际,对可持续发展的5个必须条件进行阐述,并对制约龙岩烟叶可持续发展的问题进行了剖析,提出了推行以烟为主的耕作制度,加大生产扶持力度,落实烟叶规范技术,抓好烟技员队伍建设,培育烟农共同体等发展对策.


      Abstract: Tobacco leaves are fundamental to the development of tobacco industry, whose sustainable development is essential to the overall development of tobacco industry. From the concept of sustainable development of big agriculture and three big targets, considering the actual tobacco production situation in Longyan, we elaborated the five necessary conditions for sustainable development, explored the restriction on sustainable tobacco production development in Lonyan, and suggested the following strategies: to carry out farming systems with tobacco as preference, to increase production support, to implement the technical norms of tobacco, to strength tobacco technician team construction, and cultivate farmers community.


