

    Design and Implementation of Tobacco Infrastructure Information Management

    • 摘要: 为了实现对烟叶基础设施建设的信息化管理,在业务流程管理与GIS展示的应用需求基础上,设计和实现了烟叶基础设施信息化管理系统.该系统由基于业务流程管理子系统和基于GIS展示子系统构成.基于业务流程管理子系统,主要侧重对基础设施的规划、设计、招投标、施工、验收、管护等业务环节及工作流程的监管.基于GIS展示子系统,主要侧重于在1:1万的电子地图上直观的实现基础设施项目的展示、查询、浏览以及分析等功能.应用结果表明,该项目能够减少基础设施建设的无效投资,有效加强对烟叶基础设施项目建设的监管.


      Abstract: To realize the information management of tobacco infrastructure, the tobacco infrastructure information management system was designed and implemented based on business process and GIS display. The system consists of two subsystems: business process management subsystem and GIS display subsystem. The business process management subsystems primarily focus on supervision of work process, such as planning, design, bidding, construction, inspection and maintenance. The GIS display subsystem main focus on the display, query, statistic and analysis about tobacco infrastructure in 1:10000 electronic maps. The application results showed that this tobacco infrastructure management system could effectively strengthen the supervision and reduce ineffective investment of infrastructure construction.


