

    Analysis of Chemical Components in Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves from Central Henan

    • 摘要: 为探讨豫中烟区烤烟化学成分的质量档次,分析了河南豫中烟区连续4个年份、不同等级、不同产地烤烟的主要化学成分,并进行了隶属度综合评价.结果表明,豫中烤烟化学成分在不同等级间总糖、还原糖、总氮、烟碱、糖碱比和氮碱比差异显著,蛋白质、钾、氯和钾氯比差异不显著;各化学成分在产地间差异不显著,而在年份间差异显著.豫中烤烟总糖、还原糖、总氮、烟碱、糖碱比、氮碱比均在适宜范围内,但钾含量和钾氯比过低,氯和蛋白质含量偏高.豫中烟区烤烟化学成分综合指数总体上均处在中(占62.5%)、低(占37.5%)水平,平均为0.62.钾含量和钾氯比过低、氯和蛋白质含量偏高是影响豫中烤烟可用性的重要因素.豫中烟区各产地同年度的烤烟可以进行混合复烤打叶,年份间生产稳定性有待提高.


      Abstract: In order to investigate the appropriation of the main chemical components in central Henan tobacco growing areas, the main chemical components in different leaf grades of 4 consecutive years from central Henan in different tobacco growing areas were analyzed and comprehensively evaluated. The results showed that there were significant differences between contents of total sugar, reducing sugar, nicotine, the ratio of total sugar to nicotine and the ratio of total nitrogen to nicotine among different grades of tobacco leaves, but there were not significant differences in the contents of protein, chlorine, potassium and the ratio of potassium to chlorine. The main chemical components in different growing areas were not significant, but were significant difference in different years. The contents of total sugar, reducing sugar, nicotine, the ratio of total sugar to nicotine and the ratio of total nitrogen to nicotine in tobacco leaves were medium. The contents of potassium and the ratio of potassium to chlorine were low. The contents of chlorine and protein were high. The comprehensive evaluation of chemical components was about 62.5% at the middle level, and 37.5% at the low level with an average of 0.62. The low contents of potassium and the ratio of potassium to chlorine, the high contents of chlorine and protein were the main factors which affected the availability of central Henan flue-cured tobacco leaf. The flue-cured tobacco leaf of different areas of central Henan in the same year can be blended in the process of Leaf redrying and the stability of production needs to be improved.


