

    Junzhou Sun-cured Tobacco

    • 摘要: 均州名晒烟属于地方性淡色晒黄烟,采用架晾凋萎变黄、地晒干燥定色、白晒夜堆上汗、室外堆积发酵、分级打捆后二次发酵的传统调制方法。烟叶香型独特,似烤烟,可广泛应用于烤烟型、混合型、雪茄型等各类产品配方中,对于提高烟香丰富性、增加香气浓度和“减害降焦”具有积极的作用。


      Abstract: Junzhou Mahogany belongs to local light sun-cured tobacco. It is cultivated by traditional techniques, which include drying in the sun on the frame, drying in the sun on fields, piling up at night, stacking fermentation outdoor, and secondary fermentation. The flavor of Junzhou Mahogany is unique and similar to flue-cured tobacco, which can be applied to formula of flue-cured tobacco type, mixed type and cigar type. Junzhou Mahogany has great potential to improve smoke incense, increase aroma concentration, and reduce tar content and harm.


