

    Formal Description of GIS Requirement for Tobacco Agriculture

    • 摘要: 现代烟草农业建设离不开地理信息技术支持,而系统项目需求则因实际情况复杂多变难以准确描述。针对图形、文本、表格等非形式化需求描述方式无法做到准确、一致、无二义性等要求,提出了现代烟草农业地理信息系统需求形式化描述与验证方法。以现代烟草农业中基础设施规划子模块需求描述与验证为例,将现代烟草农业对地理信息系统真实需求归纳到预定义地理信息子问题框架,涉及需求分解、问题子框架组合等系列工程问题,对烟草地理信息需求形式化定义与描述具有典型示范效益。


      Abstract: The modern tobacco agriculture constructions rely heavily on support of geographic information technology. However, information system requirement is difficult to be accurately described due to complex situation. Since image, text, forms and other informal requirement specification method can not be accurate, consistent and unambiguous enough, we proposed formal description and verification method for GIS requirement of tobacco agriculture. Taking the modern agricultural infrastructure planning sub-module requirement description and validation as a case study, we rendered the actual demand into pre-defined GIS sub-problems framework, involving the requirement decomposition and combination series of software engineering problem. It proved that the Alloy formal description is a typically effective demonstration method to meet the complex giant tobacco geographic information requirement.


