

    Effect of Effective Accumulated Temperature on Leaf Age and Maturity of Flue-cured Tobacco

    • 摘要: 为实现气候资源优化配置,解决生产后期不利因素制约烟叶成熟、影响烟叶品质的问题,对不同移栽期不同叶位(第4、10和16叶位)的生理指标以及有效积温进行了研究。结果表明,不同移栽期相同叶位烟叶成熟所需要的有效积温相差无异,其中第4、10和16叶位成熟所需有效积温分别为570~590 ℃、850~880 ℃和1280~1310 ℃,表明相同叶位烟叶的成熟需要的有效积温积累量是固定的。可见,通过计算烟叶各生长期所需的有效积温,适度提前移栽期,可以预测烟叶的成熟时间,指导烟叶成熟采收,提高烟叶品质。


      Abstract: In order to increase climatic resource utilization efficiency and solve the issues with maturity and leaf quality at late growth stage of flue-cured tobacco, effect of effective accumulated temperature on leaf age and maturity was investigated. The results showed that the effective accumulated temperature requirement for leaf mature of same leaf position varied little with transplanting time. The effective accumulated temperature was 570-590 ℃, 850-880 ℃, 1280-1310 ℃ for the 4th leaf, the 10th leaf, and the16th leaf, respectively. Therefore, it is possible to predict the time of leaf mature by calculating the amount of effective accumulated temperature, thus plant the tobacco on optimum time and improve leaf maturity and quality.


