

    Sensibility Variation of Cadmium Uptake and Accumulation among Flue-cured Tobacco Varieties

    • 摘要: 为分析烟草全生育期对镉(Cd)吸收、累积及分配的品种间差异,筛选低Cd吸收品种,通过盆栽土培法并外源添加Cd,研究了不同Cd水平对10个烤烟品种生长和Cd分布的影响。结果表明,Cd对烤烟生长的影响存在显著的品种差异,NC89、龙江851和翠碧1号的根系对Cd毒害反应较敏感,云烟85和豫烟3号的根系对Cd耐性较强,低、高Cd对烤烟叶片生长都有促进作用,且烤烟根系比叶片对Cd毒害的反应更敏感。烤烟不同器官中对Cd含量和积累量都存在显著的品种间差异,其中叶片Cd含量中烟100、翠碧1号、云烟87和豫烟3号较低;不同烤烟品种对土壤Cd变化的敏感响应程度不同,中烟100、红花大金元和NC89对Cd敏感性较低。


      Abstract: Cadmium(Cd) influences tobacco growth, and its uptake and distribution in tobacco vary with tobacco varieties. In order to identify the low cadmium accumulation tobacco varieties, pot experiments were carried out to study the differences in Cd uptake sensitivity among 10 flue-cured tobacco varieties. The results showed that effects of Cd on tobacco growth varied significantly with varieties. The roots of NC89, Longjiang851 and Cuibi 1 were more sensitive to Cd toxicity reaction; the roots of Yunyan85 and Yuyan3 had stronger tolerance to Cd. Both the low and high Cd contents could promote the growth of tobacco leaf, and the roots of tobacco were more sensitive to Cd toxicity reaction than the tobacco leaves. The content and accumulation of Cd were significant differences in different flue-cured tobacco cultivars. The leaf Cd content of Zhongyan100, Cuibi1, Yunyan87 was comparably low, and the Zhongyan100, Hongda and NC89 were less sensitive to the chang of Cd in soil.


