

    Contents of Medium and Trace Elements in Cured Tobacco Leaves in Bijie Area

    • 摘要: 对贵州毕节地区各县(市)不同植烟区域275个初烤烟叶中、微量元素进行了分析。结果表明,毕节地区烟叶中、微量元素含量较为适宜,铜、锌、锰、铁、镁、钙的平均含量分别为7.89 mg/kg、40.51 mg/kg、225.96 mg/kg、444.72 mg/kg、0.46%、2.95%;铜、锌、钙含量处于适中水平,锰、铁含量处于较高或高水平,镁含量处于较低水平。锰含量高的烟样主要分布在毕节、大方、黔西、金沙和纳雍;钙含量高的烟样主要分布在金沙、黔西和织金;全区烟叶镁含量普遍偏低。中微量元素在烟叶的不同部位上分布较有规律,锰、铁、钙元素的含量随烟叶部位的上升而下降,而铜和锌的含量随烟叶部位的上升而上升。


      Abstract: Experiments were carried out to study the medium and trace elements in cured tobacco leaves in Bijie by analyzing 275 tobacco leaf samples.The results indicated that the average contents of cupper (Cu), zinc ( Zn), manganese (Mn), iron ( Fe), magnesium (Mg) and calcium (Ca) were 7.89 mg/kg, 40.51 mg/kg, 225.96 mg/kg, 444.72 mg/kg, 0.46%, and 2.95%, respectively. Leaves were found with moderate contents of Cu, Zn and Ca, rich in Mn and Fe, yet poor in Mg. The contents of Mn were rich in Bijie, Dafang, Qianxi, Jinsha, and Nayong. The high contents of Ca were found in leaf samples of Jinsha, Qianxi and Zhijin. The content of Mg was relatively lower in Bijie. The contents of medium and trace elements had general pattern in tobacco leaves at different stalk positions.The contents of Mn, Fe, and Ca decreased with the increasing leaf position, which held opposite in the contents of Cu and Zn.


