

    Effects of Low Temperature in Seedling Stage on Floral Differentiation and Development of Flue-cured Tobacco

    • 摘要: 采用体视解剖镜观察了低温诱导后烤烟茎端分生组织的花芽分化过程,并结合盆栽和大田试验研究了6个烤烟品种的现蕾和中心花开放过程,分析比较了花芽分化对苗期低温的敏感性。结果表明,镜检花芽分化结果与大田和盆栽的实际现蕾情况保持了较好的一致性。从有效叶数损失率分析,并结合花芽分化提前的程度,云烟97和云烟87属于苗期对低温敏感性较强的品种,云烟85和云烟201次之,红大对苗期低温的分化响应能力较弱。而K326的情况比较特殊,无论是茎端花芽分化的镜检结果,还是最终的现蕾和中心花开放结果,都表现出经低温诱导的烟株生长进程被推迟。


      Abstract: Morphology of floral differentiation on the top of tobacco stalk was investigated with stereomicroscope, and pot and field experiments were conducted with the observation on the button stage and early flower period to compare the sensitivity to low temperature of six flue-cured tobacco cultivars. The results showed that observation on floral differentiation with stereomicroscope was in accordance with the button stage in pot and field experiment. In terms of the loss of available leaves and the floral differentiation, Yunyan85 and Yunyan201 were considered less sensitive than Yunyan97 and Yunyan87, but quite more sensitive than Hongda. While the growth and development of K326 was prolonged in foral differentiation, button stage and flowering.


