

    Research on Improving Sensory Quality of Tobacco Leaves by Adding Enzyme

    • 摘要: 为改善陕西北部烟叶的内在质量,提高其使用价值,进行了复烤叶片加酶实验研究。结果表明,烟叶经加酶处理后,色度加深,光泽增加,由微带青或青黄转变为橘黄或柠檬黄,至少可提高一个色级;添加复合酶可加速烟叶内部的生理生化反应过程,使其主要挥发性致香物质等的总量增加,不具香气特征的大分子化合物如淀粉、还原糖、蛋白质、氨基酸、高级脂肪酸、香气前体物等发生分解和转化;加酶后烟叶感官质量得到明显提高,香气显露,香气量增加,烟气较柔顺,青杂气大大减轻,辣刺感基本消除,余味改善。


      Abstract: An experiment was carried out on redried leaves in north Shaanxi Province after adding enzymes to improve inherent quality and usability of tobacco leaves. The results showed that color intensity and luster of the treated tobacco leaves increased.. Analysis through GC/MS indicated that adding enzyme could accelerate physiological and biochemical reaction, and enhance the total amount of key volatile aroma constituents, with degradation and conversion of starch, reducing sugar, protein, amino acid, high fatty acid and precursors of aroma constituents. The treated leaves were definitely enhanced in sensory character, with increased volume of full aroma, softer smoke, reduced offensive odor, and improved after taste.


