

    Survival of Flue-cured Tobacco TMV Through the Winter in Guizhou

    • 摘要: 研究了贵州烟草普通花叶病毒(TMV)在烤烟不同烟株残体和其它寄主植物上的越冬存活情况。结果表明,①病秆露在土表比埋在土中,TMV更容易失去侵染力;TMV在粗根中存活的时间比在茎、叶中长,在叶片中存活的时间最短;病茎、叶中的TMV在水环境中经过10个月失去侵染力;在室内过冬的病烟秆和在土中过冬的烟桩能导致假植烟苗严重发病。②经过6~11月后,土表的病烟杈中未能检出有侵染力的TMV;用病烟杈作猪饲料,煮后仍有较多病毒存活。③病株种子的果壳碎屑有病毒存活,但不导致烟苗发病。④仅在番茄、辣椒、白菜和剌天茄等其它寄主中检出TMV。总体认为,病株烟秆、烟根是TMV的主要越冬处所,即初侵染来源;剌天茄是重要的野生寄主。因此,提出以合理处理烟株残体、轮作和使用抑芽剂为主的防治对策,此对TMV的预防具有积极意义。


      Abstract: The survival of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) in different flue-cured plant residues and other host plants in Guizhou was studied. The result indicated that TMV was easier to survive when inhabiting inside soils than on soil surfaces. TMV survived longer in large roots than in leaves and stems, and it lived longer in stems than in leaves. TMV in stems and leaves submerged by water lost its infectivity after 10 months. Stems and stakes with TMV stored inside houses during the winter or in fields caused temporarily transplanted seedlings to be infected severely. The tobacco suckers with TMV lost its infectivity after 6~11 months, while they kept a lot of TMV as a cooked pig food. Regularly, the seed shells from tobacco plants with TMV had some virus to live, but it was not harmful to tobacco seedlings. TMV was just found in other host plants such as tomato, pimiento, cabbage and Solanum incanum. So we suppose that the over wintering hosts of TMV include tobacco stems and roots mostly, but the Solanum incanum is the wild and noticeable one. Therefore the main measures including taking tobacco residues away with reason, rotation and using sucker agents are very effective to prevent TMV.


