

    Differences in Aroma Components among Flue-cured Tobacco Genotypes

    • 摘要: 对高香气烤烟新品系“8306”等8个烤烟基因型进行香味成分的差异分析,旨在显示“8306”的高香气特性。用分光光度法测定叶面分泌物含量和残余法测定浸提后石油醚提取物的含量,用气相色谱/质谱联用仪(GC/MS)对“8306”和中烟100的香味物质含量和组成进行鉴定。结果表明,“8306”的叶面分泌物、石油醚提取物含量和总香值均较高,这可能是与其它基因型香气质量差异的主要原因。“8306”的20种含量较高成分可能是其高香气产生的主要物质基础。“8306”的总香气成分含量远高于中烟100,这可能是其香味突出的原因之一。


      Abstract: For expressing the superior aroma of new flue-cured line 8306, the experiments were conducted to compare the flavor components of eight flue-cured genotypes, with quantitative determination of leaf surface trichome exudate by spectrophotometry and the petrolum ether extract by residual method, and the identification of flavor components in “8306” and Zhongyan100 by GC/MS. The result showed that 8306 had high contents of leaf surface trichome exudate, petrolum ether extract and total volulme of aroma, which might contribute to the specific aroma quality of 8306. The twenty components in 8306 might be the precursor of high level of flavor. The total aroma components in 8306 was much higher than in Zhongyan100, which might partially result in the prominent aroma in 8306.


