

    Environmental and Corresponding Countermeasure Analysis of the Tobacco Leaf Sustainable Development in Southern Anhui

    • 摘要: 通过2005~2006年皖南烟叶基地建设,分析了皖南烤烟生产的环境条件,指出了生产中存在的主要问题。从可持续发展的角度提出了解决对策:建设烟水配套工程,规划基本烟田和确定基本烟农,加强烟叶集约化和专业化建设,加大主要技术的研发力度,切实提高烟农积极性,建立素质高和责任心强的烟技员队伍。


      Abstract: Environmental conditions were analyzed and major problems were identified for the flue-cured tobacco production through the 2005~2006 tobacco base construction in southern Anhui. Countermeasures were suggested from the point of view of sustainable development, including forming a complete set of flue-cured tobacco and water facility, laying out basic tobacco fields and confirming basic tobacco-growing farmers, strengthening tobacco specialization, increasing investigation and exploitation strength about major techniques, stimulating tobacco planter’s enthusiasm, and establishing a tobacco technician procession of high accomplishment and strong sense of responsibility.


