

    Effect of Variety, Leaf Position, and Degree of Maturity on Starch Content, Flavor and Taste of Tobacco Leaf

    • 摘要: 用红大和K326烤烟品种的上、中、下3个部位的未熟烟叶、初熟烟叶、适熟烟叶和过熟烟叶进行烘烤对比试验,测定烤前、烤后烟叶淀粉含量,并对初烤烟叶进行评吸鉴定。结果表明,2个品种烟叶的淀粉含量差异达到显著或极显著水平,烟叶在烘烤过程中淀粉含量显著降低,不同部位鲜烟叶淀粉含量存在着极显著差异;烘烤后,中、上部烟叶与下部烟叶之间的淀粉含量差异达到极显著水平,中部与上部烟叶之间淀粉含量差异不显著;不同成熟度档次之间的烟叶淀粉含量的差异在烘烤前后均达到极显著水平。评吸结果表明,适熟和初熟烟叶香吃味较优,过熟烟叶香吃味次之,未熟烟叶的香吃味较差。讨论提出,适熟采收是降低烟叶淀粉含量,改善烟叶香吃味的一项重要技术措施。


      Abstract: Flue-cured tobacco variety Hongda and K326 were used for flue-curing test. Leaves were picked from lower, middle and upper part of the stock with varied maturities ranging from unripe, mature, ripe, and overripe. Starch contents of these tobacco leaves were analyzed before and after flue-curing. Smoke evaluation was carried out on the flue-cured leaves. Results showed that starch contents of the two varieties existed significant difference. Starch contents declined remarkably during the flue-curing. Among different leaf positions, the starch content before flue-curing showed significant differences; after flue-curing, starch levels of middle and upper leaves demonstrated significant differences with the lower part leaves; while the starch levels of middle and upper leaves had no significant differences. The starch levels among different maturity leaves before and after flue-curing showed significant differences. The smoke evaluation revealed that flavor and taste of ripe leaves were the best followed by mature leaves, the unripe and overripe leaves had the poorest flavor and taste. The study suggest that for obtaining the best flavor and taste tobacco leaves with lower content of starch, the key is to harvest properly matured leaves.


