

    Study on Drought Resistance Technology of High Yield Ditch for Pattern Cultivation of Flue-cured Tobacco

    • 摘要: 在烤烟生产中应用丰产沟模式化栽培技术,可最大限度地拦蓄天然降水,变无效雨为有效雨,有效调节天然降水的不足和季节降水不均的供需矛盾,从而为烟株生长创造出优越的局部环境,达到稳产、高产和提高烟叶品质的目的。丰产沟处理的土壤含水量与弓背垄处理相比含水量提高25%~35%,根系深扎土层至120 cm。与槽型垅、弓背垄处理相比,产量分别增加480 kg/hm2和1425 kg/hm2,丰产沟模式化栽培技术具有蓄水抗旱和增产提质的作用,效果优于槽型垄,更优于弓背垄。


      Abstract: High yield ditch applied to flue-cured tobacco production can largely hold up rainwater, change useless rainwater into useful water, and effectively solve problem of volume and distribution of precipitation, which can provide great local environment for tobacco growth, so that stable and high yield can be achieved, and tobacco leaf quality can be improved. Soil moisture with the ditch was 25% to 35% higher than with arch ridge, and the yield with the ditch was 1 425 kg/hm2 higher than with arch ridge, and kg/hm2 480 higher than with gutter ridge. The ditch can hold soil water,increase yield,improve leaf quality, and was the best among the three treatments.


