

    Selection of Coating Materials for Coating Tobacco Seed and the Proportioning Test

    • 摘要: 针对目前烤烟常规包衣种子存在的问题和漂浮育苗技术广泛应用的现状,结合我国的烤烟生产实际,研制开发了烤烟漂浮育苗专用包衣种子并应用于烟叶生产中。对种子包衣辅料进行筛选,初步选定了4种主要的包衣辅料并进行了10种不同配比的包衣加工试验,对不同配比加工的种子进行外观物理性状测定。结果表明,处理6和处理2的种子在均匀度、裂解度、光泽度等方面均优于其它处理。


      Abstract: To deal with the problems existed in conventional flue-cured tobacco coated seed and concerning the reality that float system has been popularized for tobacco transplant production in China, we developed the flue-cured tobacco pellet seed specifically used for tobacco seedling production with float system. Various coating materials have been screened and 4 of them were chosen and 10 seed coating formulas were made with them for coating tobacco seed. The result of physical property test on the coated seed processed with different proportioning of the coating materials show that treatment 6 and treatment 2 were the best with regards to uniformity, dissolvable capability, luster of the coated seed.


