

    Study on the Sustainable Development for the Tobacco Leaf Industry of China

    • 摘要: 系统地阐述了我国烟叶产业可持续发展战略的内涵、支持系统及实现的主要措施。认为我国烟叶产业的可持续发展战略是一项包涵了生态、技术、经济、社会和制度等因素的复杂系统。为实现我国烟叶产业的可持续发展,当前工作的重心是保护烟农利益,稳定烟农数量,改革烟叶生产管理制度,加强基础建设,提高生产技术水平,改革烟叶税收政策和积极开拓国际烟叶市场。


      Abstract: The article expatiates on the contents about the stratagems of the sustainable development for the tobacco leaf industry of China. The connotation of stratagems, sustain system, and main measures are included. The stratagems of the sustainable development for the tobacco leaf industry of China are considered as a complex system, which contains some factors such as ecology, technology, economy, society, system and so on. In order to realize the stratagems, our work should focus on protecting the benefit of tobacco growers, stabilizing the number of growers, reforming the management system in tobacco production, strengthening the infrastructure, improving the level of technology, innovating the revenue policy of tobacco leaves and exploiting actively the international market of tobacco leaves.


