

    ASummary on TobaccoDisease and Insect Prevention and Treatment in Jiahe

    • 摘要: 根据本地烟草栽培特点, 在示范区通过统一药剂、统一施药时间、统一施药浓度、统一田间农事操作等措施, 有效控制了烟草病虫害的发生。花叶病防治率达99.17%, 烟株成活率达98.5%, 斜纹夜蛾、烟青虫防治率达99.34%, 投入产出比为1: 6。产值增加2906.85 元/ hm2, 整个示范区纯收入增加10.03 万元, 取得了显著经济效益和社会效益。


      Abstract: Based on local tobacco culture conditions, A system approach with single chemical, single spraying time, single concentration, and single field operation was used to control tobacco diseases and insects successfully in Jiahe. The control rate was 99.17% for mosaic virus, 99.34% for prodenia litura (fabricius) and Heliothis assulta Guenee, and tobacco survival rate was 98.5%.The ratio of input and output was 1:6. It was observed that outcome increased by 2906.85 yuan/hm2, and net income increased by 0.1 million yuans RMB. The economical and social effects of these results are significant.


