

    Flue-curing Effects of Hot Air Circulation Barn to Tobacco Leaves

    • 摘要: 试验结果表明,与普通标准烤房比较,热风循环式机烘烤房顶棚与底棚在变黄、定色、干筋时期温度差异较小,烤房内最大温差为2 ℃,最小为0.5 ℃;烤后烟叶化学成分更为协调;产值提高750元/hm2;烘烤1 kg烟叶节煤1.02 kg,单烤房节约烘烤时间7 h,综合经济效益明显提高。


      Abstract: An experiment was conducted to investigate the tobacco leaf curing effect by hot air circulation barn. The results showed that, compared to ordinary curing barn, the hot air circulation barn had smaller temperature variation between top and bottom shelf of the barn at stage of yellowing, color fixing, and drying. The maximum and minimum temperature difference in curing barn was 2℃ and 0.5℃, respectively. The hot air circulation barn produced leaves with more harmonious chemical components. The output value of the cured leaves increased 750 RMB yuan/ha. The coal for curing was reduced by 1.02 kg per kg leaf. The curing time was reduced 7 hours. Overall economic benefit was improved remarkably.


