

    Bagasse application in matrix of tobacco float seedling production

    • 摘要: 以新鲜甘蔗渣为主要材料,研究了烤烟漂浮育苗基质配制技术。结果表明,添加复合肥和钙镁磷肥堆沤甘蔗渣腐熟速度较快,沤制7 个月C /N 值由182.35 降至26.58。采用堆沤65%腐熟甘蔗渣+25%膨化珍珠岩+10%煤渣( 磨成粉过3 mm孔径筛)配制烤烟漂浮育苗基质,能使烤烟较好地出苗、生长和成苗,大田生长发育也优于其他方式育出的烟苗。


      Abstract: An experiment using fresh bagasse, was conducted to study the formula of matrix in tobacco float seedling production. The results showed that with compound fertilizer and calcium magnesium phosphate, bagasse could be thoroughly decomposed,and the carbon- nitrogen ratio declined from 182.35 to 26.58 in 7 months. It was desirable for tobacco seedlings to grow in the matrix of 65% decomposed bagasse + 25% expanded perlite +10% coal silt.


